Auto Maintenance and Service In Berks County, PA

September 21st, 2023 by

When Should I Service My Vehicle?

Great question! At Masano Auto Park in Berks County, PA, we have all of your auto maintenance & service answers at our Automotive Wonderland in Reading. 

Vehicle preventative care and upkeep is vital to keeping your car, SUV, van or truck running for the long run. 

Drivers need to bring in vehicles regularly to care for your vehicle.

All drivers should view their owner’s manual to check for car maintenance and service intervals.

car maintenance service and repair; oil changing

How to Know When My Vehicle’s Oil Needs to Be Changed? 

Most vehicles are intuitive these days and will have a change oil light pop-up on your dashboard. If you’re driving a newer model vehicle, then you can rest assured that this notification will alert you when it’s time to change your oil. 

If you happen to be driving an older vehicle, then a general rule of thumb is to have your oil changed every 3K miles. Although, it is important to keep in mind that newer models use modern lubricants which allows drivers the ability to wait longer when it comes to changing your oil (anywhere from 5K-7.5K miles); if your vehicle uses full synthetic oil. 

When you give your vehicle regular oil changes then you extend the life or your car, truck, SUV or van. 

How Do I Check My Vehicles Service Plan? 

This process begins with reading over your owner’s manual and warranty plan. 

Believe it not, you will find a valuable and ample amount of information by simply viewing your owner’s manual, which is usually located in your glove compartment or within your warranty plan (often purchased when you buy your vehicle). 

How Much Does Auto Maintenance & Service Cost? 

This specific answer is subjective, depending on your driving habits and the vehicle you are driving. 

Although, at Masano Auto Park, you can rest assured that we offer straightforward and fair pricing because we understand that you have to drive to get to your destinations. We always put customer safety 1st and foremost. 

Vehicle Tire Care

Since our vehicle tires are exposed to the earth’s elements on a daily basis and whenever you drive, tires take the brunt of wear and tear, which is why it is vital that you continuously upkeep your tires. 

Keep in mind, regular tire rotations will always extend the life of your tires. Wheel alignments can also help keep your vehicle evenly driving, in turn, keeping your tires healthy. Improve your driving performance and handling with systematic tire check-ups. 

Regular Auto Maintenance In Berks County, PA

As mentioned, oil changes preserve the performance and health of all vehicles that utilize fuel. This type of regular car maintenance is vital for upkeeping your car, truck, SUV or van that you drive. Regularly checking your tires is also an absolute must!

When you bring your vehicle to Masano Auto Park and Masano Collision for car maintenance and service or repair, our automotive experts will always ensure that all fluid checks, plus replacements are conducted, on top of the regular maintenance your vehicle needs. 

Other service inspections include: transmission fluids, air cabin filter & fuel filter checks, plus more. 

Our team at Masano Auto Park and Masano Collision utilize special software and diagnostic tools to spot any issues at any given moment.

Read our in-depth 138-point vehicle inspection process and learn all about our comprehensive vehicle inspections that we offer. 

auto repair near me, mechanics working on vehicle at shop

Seeking auto maintenance and service for your vehicle? Head over to Berks County, PA! Give us a call at 610-777-6300 or drop by our car service center in Reading.

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